I know all too well what so many of you are going through and I want you to know I am thinking about you, my staff is as well and we know it cannot be easy. We ourselves have been going through it with you, as all staff at Jeff Olan Casting is laid off only working on a will notify basis. And that has just been a few days here and there.
These strikes have been horrible for our Industry, and for our community. Actors deserve compensation at all levels for the work they put in. Writers, Directors, Assistant Directors and all crew for that matter and of course Casting Directors as well. We all work our butts of to help the creators and money people to have a successful shoot be it for a TV series, movie, or other media venture.
We are all going through such a tough time currently as with the actors and writers strike, every department suffers. And not only those of us who who are in the Industry, but so many businesses outside and around the entertainment business suffer too. The local cleaners, grocery stores, restaurants, hair and nail salons, and so many other business' that cater to those of us in this Industry.
Background Actors are in the same boat as others, as no one is winning here except perhaps the Corporate figures who are greedy and don't want to release a tiny bit more from the multi billion dollars they are hanging onto in order to make the shareholders happy.
Things will change
The rich keep getting richer and the rest of us sit and wait, and wait, and wait. But things will change, and the Unions have been sticking together this time, and all of us who are part of this are staying strong, staying together, and fighting the big wig greedy folks who have to know how much hurt, pain, and stress their decisions are on thousands upon thousands of others.
A.I. will not replace us
The Greedy are just a few, and then there are the rest off us. We WILL survive, but it is not easy. Like many of you, I have had a few breaking points and emotionally this is taking a toll, but we will get through it and be better on the other end. Keep in mind: when this all wraps up, there should be a flood gate of work coming at all of us. "Hollywood", needs content and AI will not replace us, and certainly not all at once. This will take time, years and although it is coming and coming fast, and we cannot put the "Genie back in the bottle", we will still be able make movie magic!
We will still be needed in most areas of the Industry although not sure what will happen down the line with in 3-5 years, but we will not just all go away. Cast and Crew from all walks of life, young and old, are going through the same from NY to Los Angeles, from Chicago to Hawaii and other parts of the World. We all just came out of the Pandemic and things were finally turning around, and then this hit all of us like a pile of Bricks. Just know this too shall pass and in the meantime do whatever you can to work on yourself, so that when this is all behind us, you can be strong again to move forward with all your dreams and making sure you continue Believing in not only yourself, but in what you have been trying to accomplish.
Actors (and all crew members) on all levels will work again, so be prepared and ready to move mountains when this is all said and done. There is absolutely nothing easy about what is going on now and where we are as a community, but as we continue to fight for the good and right, we will heal and get stronger together in order to get out on sets again making a living and continue having a passion doing what we truly love. Hollywood is not only in Los Angeles anymore as we all know, it is all over the country and all over the world so we must all thank our lucky stars that opportunity will always be there for us to create and manifest our dreams and desires for many moons to come. We just need to get through the next month or so, and then we will look back at this crazy time knowing that we survived this historic time in the Entertainment, movie and TV industry.
We will survive
The saying has always been “there is no business like show business”, and I have always said that 90% of Show Business is Business and 10% is Show. So be ready to get back to work as there will be still plenty for all as we get out of this sad and pathetic time we are currently in. Think Happy Thoughts, Think of why you got into this Business in the first place, and stay strong in mind, emotionally, so the good overcomes the negative. We will survive!!
Hang in there. We know it is not easy, and yet we have to believe that there are some wonderful, great, and outstanding days ahead! Some of you actors reading this now might just be a Background Actor (Extra) today, but when this is over, you might be the next star to make your move. You might be upgraded on a set, or having taken acting classes or working on your craft, might be the next one to hit it big, you might nail that next Audition, and be a Co-star on a sitcom or have a very nice role in a motion picture. Just embrace your dreams and never let them fade. Anything and Everything can change in a minute or as they say on a "dime" so continue to BELIEVE that your opportunity is next. Say affirmations daily and thank your lucky stars that you are still here. Be thankful and grateful daily and Never give up hope to accomplish your dreams.
We will get through this together
We will get through this together, and we will be so happy to start placing you all on sets again, it is going to be so rewarding and we will all cry happy tears together. All Casting Directors are ready when projects start gearing up.......we want to help make your dreams a reality!!
May only great Blessings come to each and everyone of you!
About the author:

Jeff Olan is Owner & President of Jeff Olan Casting, Inc. an Extras Casting Company based in Los Angeles. He has been involved extensively in a multitude of areas in film, television, and radio since 1980 and has been a casting director for over 35 years, working in all aspects of the process. He has cast background talent for such projects as: "Pulp Fiction", "Grey's Anatomy", "How to Get Away With Murder", the Emmy-Nominated film, "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story", the upcoming feature film, "MaXXXine", and many more.